Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Week Recapped 

It's been so long since I've updated this....Lets start back from a week ago....

Thursday (6/28/12)  

First ever burger at In-N-Out ...I know.
Jie--my adventurous companion.
He introduced me to the Chinese culture,
traditions, and snacks

Friday (6/29/12) 

Zongi--Rice dumpling--tradiational meal on 
Duanwu Festival (端午節)
Pork, mushroom, peanut dumpling with
rice soaked in a delicious sauce

Also common to have this day is
century egg--(pidan) a fermented
 egg...that pretty much sums it up
It has an opaque portion
 (what would be the whites of the egg) 
It's black in color with crystal-like forms
on it's body. They look like snowflakes
Cut it open and it doesn't look appetizing
The yolk s definitely rotten. The smell...rotten
and the taste...*yuck* I hate my half though
and was done. lol
Saturday (6/23/12)
Saturday was spent in Santa Clara (a high-end strip mall), walk-ed around the Winchester mystery house,  around the and Campbell road, where we got gelato and went shopping.  


Sunday (6/24/12)
 I drove to San Francisco with Jie and another person we met named Ryan. He had a Camero and asked if I wanted to drive it....uh, YEAH! We drove over the Golden Gate Bridge, down Lombard street, and up to the top of Twin's Peak where I saw all of San Francisco. There I met the Management Club and parted ways with my friends. We spent the next few days representing Oregon State at company's such as Oracle,, San Francisco Tourism, E&J Gallo Winery, and a start-up company that created Zimride (a ride sharing service--follow the link and check it out).

I was soooo stoked! 

The view from Twin's peak 
Artists showing their skill at
Twin's Peak

A cute garden in San Fran.
I'll have more photos from San Francisco up soon (either here or on Facebook). The rest of my week was work and then Friday I flew out to Austin, Texas. I got to see my cousins, aunt, and uncle before they flew out. Now I'm housing sitting for a week and watching old Oakley. Soon I'll be at my summer sublet. :) 

To come: More San Fran photos and 4th of July adventures.  

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