Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Seasons are Changing

Seasons are changinglas temporadas estan cambiando

Rain in Grananda- photo by me
Typical hair style-long on
top short on the sides
photo from Google 
It has rain for a whole week here; rare for the region of Murcia where they usually see only two days of rain out of the year. Immediately umbrellas come out. Everyone literally has one, even for a gentle mist. Got to protect the precious Spanish hair it is so commonly seen here ;) (ha I kid). It's Just like Oregon weather. I'm used to it. The unfortunate part though is everything becomes canceled--futbol, hikes, and many other activities. No me gusta :( 

Photo from Google
Photo from Google
Whenever it rains they make a special dish called Migas. It's different from the Tex-mex version (sin tortilla chips). Here it's similar to stuffing in texture, with a salty, rich, meaty flavor. It's a hearty meal. You soaked bread till it's dense with flavor, and then mix it to a pulp. Add cooked peppers, herbs, (grapes if you choose), and top it off with chorizo or an egg. Some cook it better than others, and have their own variation with it. For me, I prefer the bread to be pulverized, a little moist, with some olives, a combinations of meats mixed in, a fresh egg and some chopped scallops sprinkled on top for added crunch.

The temperature is dropping, as well. (Averaging 57 degrees Fahrenheit)  I have the nose sniffles, the shivers, the extra layers, tall socks, long sleeve shirt, hot tea and warm blanket busted out. It's getting to the temperature where my cloths take an extra day to dry. It's not that I hate it, but that I am not prepared for it. I packed with the mindset of hot weather the majority of the time. And while it was certainly suitable for the summer temperatures, I find the one pair of warm clothes I have don't stretch many days. 

C'est la vie.... I only have 5 weeks left of school, before Christmas break and my return flight home. I registered for classes back home and am ready for a loaded two terms. Got to finish strong! And in the meantime, stay dry...

Let's be thankful for the food we're provided with, shelter over our heads, hot showers, and heating. Hope you're staying warm out there and getting ready for the holiday seasons.

Lots of love. Besos. xx


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