Friday, August 10, 2012

Coffee Complication 

Prepare for a bedtime story cause this is detailed. Where to start.... 

COFFEE COMPLICATION (a few weeks ago) 
So my day started in the break room with my coworker and other intern Patricia. I was in the mood for decaf coffee and a little whole milk. I pour a small cup full from the large canister and Patrica gets a few ounces before it sputters empty. She turns to the Regular canister, but it was empty. 

We prep everything and sit in-front of the brewer. ..."Why is it flashing like that?" 

We push the brew button, but nothing happens. we push it again. And again. Then the on/off button. The half-brew button. The full brew button. Again the on/off button. Seriously, nothing is happening. 

By this time the tech guys come in. (Who better to have around when you have a malfunctioning piece of equipment right?). They do some button mashing as well... then reach for the back cord to un-plug and plug the machine in. (Seriously it's always the stupidest, most obvious thing to do that solves the problem :P) 

"Yes! Hey! Look, I think that did it." The light we want comes on and we hear the machine brewing. 

Good sign. So we take our leave and wait for the water to heat up. 
A few minutes later I come back, to find no one had started it. "Huh, probably ready by now."  I hit brew and watch it go. 

I stand there watching it as I fill up my cup of water. It's looking good and working just fine...till it reaches the fill line and the machine isn't stopping. 


I quickly grab a cup and place it under the spout as coffee begins spilling in. I shut off the machine, yet there's a steady stream still coming from the brewer ("Frick. This is the curse of button mashing"). 

It doesn't look like it's stopping and the 24oz cup is almost full. The machine is still off. ("SERIOUSLY?!?!"). I'm scavenging my brain for the cleanest way to handle this situation. The best option I can think of is an Indian Jones style switch with the empty decaf canister. (Still gonna be messy, but it's the largest container around and my best bet). 

With a bead of seat on my forehead, I fumble the containers, but make the switch. I sigh with relief and wait a few more minutes as the stream finally slows down. 

It was an unexpected situation. I managed the switch though, and captured most of the drained coffee, so I feel pretty accomplished. :) 

Then I look into the Decaf container... just when I thought there wouldn't be any more surprises, I was proven wrong. I see the most unsettling thing...Mold.  A large film of mold floating thickly on top the freshly brewed coffee. (WHAT?! Really?!?! Mold. Of all things!)

My faces cringes as I think back to the half drunken coffee back at my desk (ha great... :S) It was most unsettling. I immediately told Patricia and saved her from any illness. Luckily, I wasn't affected either. 

Ha it was a crazy morning, but things turned out OK. Hahaha I had quite the laugh about it. lol I just love the surprises life throws at you. 

Hope you handle life's surprises with the same poise and humor. :) 


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