Friday, August 10, 2012

Fear Factor 

(Another "lovely" morning surprise. lol :) )

So if any of you have watched fear factor you know the crazy stunts and creatures the contestants have to deal with. Well, my morning was just that. 

Ha I wake up this morning and run downstairs to make some breakfast. Prep-ing some eggs for a scramble, I throw away the shells and see the most awful site. MAGGOTS!! All over the floor, surrounding the trashcan. 50 of them at least. Squirming, crawling, and in every crevice imaginable. 

I spent the morning sweeping them up, picking them up, squishing them. Yuck. Yet in a way I was fascinated. Such simple creatures, with a basic function in life; doing what they are programmed to do just like me. 

Ha I just couldn't believe the amount of them. They came from everywhere too. They had squirmed to the various regions of the kitchen, and I continued to find them through out the day. 

Ha what more is in store for me? :) 
Ha since I handled that, does that qualify me for Fear Factor's $1,000,000 prize money?
We'll see..


1 comment:

  1. Oh,you are so brave!maggots is disgusting!You deserve $100000000000000000000000000!
