Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Special Thanks

Un Especial Gracias A...

I want to thank all my family members for their letters and cards. Tryed to send an email to some but it bounce back so, in the hope that you're reading this now, I want to give my response:

Aunt Lyle and Uncle Alice: Thanks for the six pack ;) 

Mis padres: Love you both! Love the card. lol it was cute and so true with all the seistas taken here. ;) and the snacks, they were perfect! I was running out of gum to feed my habitual addiction, and Jiffy is too rare of commoditiy here to be purchased. Their subsitute doesn't quite compare. Ah, I was so content!

"On your birthday, remember--
the early bird gets the worm" 
"...Of course, the early worm gets eatten
so it's kind of a mixed message"
Gram Kientiz: Thanks for the pictures and card you sent for my bday. The DC photos look amazing. I really want to visit it myself. :D I miss the vivid colors of fall, but Spain is showing methe lovelliness of it's seasons. It's slowly chilling down here. Rain for the last three days and I've been loving it! (Murcia really needs the water too).
photos of gram's trip to DC and family

Gram Farnell: Thanks for the birthday card. Your birthday present contributed to my France trip a few weeks back. :) I hope I sent you photos. Email me if I didn't! And if there is anything you're curious about of Spain leave me a comment and I'll try to write a post on it, just for you ;).
Sweet wishes for my birthday

Tanya & Mike: THANKS FOR THE BIRTHDAY WISH! I got your email but couldn't reply, it bounced back. Do you have a different email? Can you send that to me?
Thanks for messaging me
Carmen: stoked to have gotten your letter. In the process of writing my reply. :) Wait a month for the snail mail system, and give me a few extra weeks to scribble out my life in the last four years in a few pages. lol Deffinitely loved hearing from you. :)
Loving the hand-written note from
my highschool friend
Thanks to everyong else for reading my blog. Let me know if there is anything your curious about knowing. I'll make a post.

Till my next post. Vive la Vida.


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