Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Que un Fin de Semana! What a weekend!

Que un fin de semana! 

Oh, how sore I am from such an active weekend! Soccer, volleyball, tennis, and hiking--Whew!

Went hiking in mountains down justa town south or central Murcia. It was an 10 minute bus ride, 15 minute hike to the base and 3 hours hike to the view of the whole region. Loved it! 

Sunday, my friends and saw La bella y la beastia (the beauty and the beast) the muscial! It was marvelous! :) and in Spanish! The glitter, coreography, lights, and dazzle added by the stage performance was magical. I couldn't understand everything, but of course I knew the plot. :) Hearing everything in a different language added an extra flare of intregue to the performance (while in my head I was singing along in English haha)  

Afterwards we of course went out for tapas! :) 
Chorizo, green beans cooked with eggs and baby shrimp, potatoes with spicy salsa, and another tapa delicousy that's hard to discribe without a photo.

The weather is getting chillier as well. Down to about 60 degrees F. Good thing I brought at least some warm clothes, though I may have to buy more if it continues to drop. 

Manana I'm off to the region of Andalucia. We'll visit Sevilla, Cordova, and a few other cities over the extended weekend. 

Halloween isn't celebrated like it is in the states, and I likely won't do much for it since I'll be travelling. Thursday however is Día de Todos los Santos en España and the reason for the extended weekend. It's a day where families visit the graves of their ancestors and pay hamage. Floriests everywhere have stocked up for the occasion and signs remind passer-bys to pay their respects.

I recently watch a play called Don Juan Tenorio that is famous for it's interpretation on Thursday's festival. You can read about the plot by following the linkl. In a way it reminds me of the Christmas Carol in how remorse is realized and the protagonist changes his ways. The story has more Spanish flare and influences though and was an interesting play to watch. 

We'll that's a quick write up about things here. Next week, I hope to post pictures from Andalucia. 

Happy Halloween everyone! 

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